January 2021:
Jim Nanos, owner of APPLE INVESTIGATIONS based in southern New Jersey, was elected Preseident of the New Jersey Licensed Private Investigators Association (NJLPIA) in January 2021.
Nanos is a 28 year veteran retired Wildwood Police Sergeant and a reservist with the United States Coast Guard and has been a licensed private investigator since 2011. He has served on the executive board of the NJLPIA as Vice President and is also a regional director for the National Council of Investigation & Security Services (NCISS).
NJLPIA was established in 1955 to promote professionalism among our licensed investigator members. Since that time, NJLPIA, through its general membership and many volunteer board members, has worked hard to increase our ranks, establish an open dialogue with our licensing body – the New Jersey State Police, promote education and training for investigators and monitor and effect change in the NJ and Federal legislatures.
In addition, NJLPIA exists to help the general public learn more about our profession as well as to locate professional, qualified and licensed private investigators. We have members located from the southern tip of NJ to the northern most part of our state ready to help clients achieve their investigative goals.